Mastering Remote Leadership:
Course For Sales Managers


Join a cohort of other sales leaders for an intro workshop comprised of four 90-minute sessions covering the unique challenges and opportunities of leading teams in a remote environment. We’ll be drawing on years of experience building, growing, and leading a fully distributed workforce, and all the tough lessons we learned the hard way. We’ll dig into the thorny issues involved with the topics below:


Employee Experience

From hiring and onboarding to their day-to-day job, the experience of the people on your team totally shifts in a remote working environment. We’ll talk through some of the most important changes individuals face, such as building trust, “suffering in silence,” removing distractions, taking advantage of flexibility, and how you can enable your team to be more productive and less lonely in the new paradigm.

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Collaboration & Communication

Without the ability to meet face to face, communication completely shifts, making collaboration challenging. Everything is different, whether it’s forging relationships, giving feedback, running effective meetings, sharing knowledge & learning, or managing information flow through an organization. In this session, we’ll share lessons for mastering a set of new tools and frameworks to tackle these challenges.


Effectiveness & Accountability

Too many of us lean on gut-feel to lead in an office setting. Remote work requires a results-oriented leadership mindset, which sounds easy, but often requires a new system of measurement and social contract. In this session, we’ll discuss how to take a results-oriented mindset, develop leading indicators to track progress, focus the team’s energy on what matters, and drive accountability in behaviors not just performance.

Format of Program

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Who the Course Is Great For

The course is relevant whether you’re planning to stay fully remote, operate in a hybrid model, or move everyone back into the office, and will equip you with tools to be more resilient, flexible, and marketable as a sales leader in the future. You’ll join a cohort of leaders struggling with similar issues, with whom you can grow your network of peers for all the fun and challenging topics that come up in the future.

We recommend this workshop for:

  • Front-line managers of customer-facing teams

    • sales

    • customers success

    • business development

    • partnerships

    • sales ops

  • Directors and senior sales leaders

We also offer consulting programs and workshops customized for companies who want to invest across their broader team. To learn more about these click here.


Early Adopter Price:

Reduced from $1000

Join our inaugural cohort, and we’ll give you additional benefits including two 30-minute office hours sessions after the workshop is completed to talk through how your implementation is going, and early access to our e-book, coming out later this year.